Friday, January 25, 2013


Transmedia Storytelling from my understanding is a way to use different media platforms to connect( beyond tv, through social media, games, music, and print) an audience to a franchise that develops multiple extensions from multiple plots and characters. Its a process of many different sources working together to create a shared goal. I'm solely basing this off of Henry Jenkins article "Transmedia Storytelling 101". I believe that Jenkins article trys to explain how transmedia storytelling enhances the experience of entertainment in a film/show that has become a brand, prime example from the article is Star Wars. The Star Wars franchise is so large and international, It seems like Jenkins was trying to say we need Transmedia to keep up with entertainment world.
The use of different platforms allows people to get more of an "inside" view on whatever program a person is following. I know some shows (mainly reality) allow people to do live feeds and interact with the cast as the show premieres. Example Vh1, does this with its reality love shows. Twitter has become popular platforms that many networks and movies are starting to use.

We use transmedia storytelling as way to keep up with messages that being sent to us. Certain collaborations with the right media platform seem to be more exclusive in really involving the audience. Engagement is key for a franchise to survive.

Here's an article from Mashable about how Transmedia is changing tv....

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