Thursday, January 31, 2013

Google aka big brother

Google is one the most useful search engines on the Internet. Google allows for its users to explore new elements of knowledge and research. Being one the most reliable sources of information, has been able to develop a new of how we can discover the world the comfort of our homes.

But did you also know that Google has the technology to  know more about you than yourself. With Googles easy access technology is more easier for people to find out more information about you. I’m guilty of “googling” someone after I first met them. We as humans want to know as much about as we possible can. I remember one time I googled myself and I selected images, the image wasn’t of me but of my best friend. I remember when I told her about it she seemed to get really upset and couldn’t understand why her image and not mine would be up there.

With Google maps your able to type in address and  view actual real satellite  photos of a certain place of interest. This can actually be a little scary for most people, because their privacy is being taken away.  I know when I use google maps to see my home address you can see my uncle riding his bike.


Twitter is one of the largest if not the largest platform of social media that uses microblogging. Twitter not only allows for people to follow each to keep in touch with each other, it can also serve as a free word of mouth advertisement for companies. With microblogging twitter allows for companies to receive real feedback from its audience. It may not all be good but it will let a company know what the consumer thinks.
A few perfect example of microblogging is the wheat thins commercials that would show people twitting about the product and wheat thins as a company acknowledge those tweets and give the consumer a year supply of wheat thins. Another example is my friend Jamie has a tattoo of a Fiji water bottle on her arm, she tweeted a pic of her tattoo and now Fiji sends her free water. And my last example is on Wednesday I made tweet that " hey ppl I need insurance anthem or Humana" and within an hour I received a tweet back from anthem asking me to send them my info... Wow the power of microblogging.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Advertising on the Internet

Advertising on the internet is nothing new. Many companies use advertising online as an opportunity to build their clientele and give out exclusive deals to people who shop online. There are many advantages of shopping online is that when you see these exclusive deals and coupons, you're more likely to continue to shop with that company online. The effectiveness of advertising online is that we are an society that is rapidly moving towards functioning mainly as a digital society. Online advertising allows for consumers to explore new companies and experience a whole new way of shopping

Many people think that the advertisements online are extremely annoying and pointless. And I'm guilty of thinking that as well only when the product is something that doesn't pertain to me. Mainly this is on facebook and the prompted tweets on twitter. It always seems that the advertisements that fail to pertain to me are the ones that freeze up my computer whenever I click on them. 


Transmedia Storytelling from my understanding is a way to use different media platforms to connect( beyond tv, through social media, games, music, and print) an audience to a franchise that develops multiple extensions from multiple plots and characters. Its a process of many different sources working together to create a shared goal. I'm solely basing this off of Henry Jenkins article "Transmedia Storytelling 101". I believe that Jenkins article trys to explain how transmedia storytelling enhances the experience of entertainment in a film/show that has become a brand, prime example from the article is Star Wars. The Star Wars franchise is so large and international, It seems like Jenkins was trying to say we need Transmedia to keep up with entertainment world.
The use of different platforms allows people to get more of an "inside" view on whatever program a person is following. I know some shows (mainly reality) allow people to do live feeds and interact with the cast as the show premieres. Example Vh1, does this with its reality love shows. Twitter has become popular platforms that many networks and movies are starting to use.

We use transmedia storytelling as way to keep up with messages that being sent to us. Certain collaborations with the right media platform seem to be more exclusive in really involving the audience. Engagement is key for a franchise to survive.

Here's an article from Mashable about how Transmedia is changing tv....

Friday, January 18, 2013

Freberg- Privacy on Social Media

What's the point of keeping something private on the Internet? Your friends tagged you in videos, pictures, and statuses without your consent. Anyone can google your name and find whatever they need about you. The people you work with, your friends at school, and members of your family can pass along information that you've posted online that you thought would be private...
Social Media sites facebook and instagram have join together in how they keep your page private, yet they basically own all your information that you post online. Once you put something online you're giving others the right to view, copy, expose anything about you. I've never read the privacy policy on any of the social media sites, but I've never posted anything on the internet that I would regret. I don't understand why its such a big deal that people get upset that someone can search by name or email. They only thing that bothers me on facebook is how the use what I "like" as a marketing tool for companies, the ads are annoying.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Freberg- Intro

Well Hello class, My name is Brittni Owen. I'm a senior majoring in Communication. I plan on graduating this summer! After graduation I plan on staying in school and getting my second degree in Human Studies. With a degree in communication under my belt I feel as if I can go into any field of work.
What I hope to gain from Comm 460 is to better understand how much we rely on social media.... Why is it that when we met someone new we"look them up" why do we love to meddle, follow, tag, and market others? Social Media (mainly facebook) can be damaging to friendships and romantic relationships. On Social Media people make post and status without thinking...
Anyways I was born in Evansville IN, and I moved to Owensboro KY when I was 7.... Louisville is the biggest city I've ever lived in and I don't have any plans of ever leaving! I enjoy going to the mall, movies, playing paintball and laser tag. I like a big 12 yr old! I'm addicted to NetFlix, is the best thing ever for $8.23 a month! Some interesting facts about me is that I can relate Family Guy to everyday life. And my boyfriend is BLOCKED from my Facebook, to protect our relationship. Most people would think it would be the other way around, but my boyfriend takes Facebook seriously.  And its none of his business, its my page. Anyways I work at Wal-Mart as a Customer Service Manager... and let be the first to tell you I've seen some characters at work. Its a job that has its days but I'll never quit.

Final note...I go to U of L, but I'm not a U of L fan