Thursday, January 31, 2013

Google aka big brother

Google is one the most useful search engines on the Internet. Google allows for its users to explore new elements of knowledge and research. Being one the most reliable sources of information, has been able to develop a new of how we can discover the world the comfort of our homes.

But did you also know that Google has the technology to  know more about you than yourself. With Googles easy access technology is more easier for people to find out more information about you. I’m guilty of “googling” someone after I first met them. We as humans want to know as much about as we possible can. I remember one time I googled myself and I selected images, the image wasn’t of me but of my best friend. I remember when I told her about it she seemed to get really upset and couldn’t understand why her image and not mine would be up there.

With Google maps your able to type in address and  view actual real satellite  photos of a certain place of interest. This can actually be a little scary for most people, because their privacy is being taken away.  I know when I use google maps to see my home address you can see my uncle riding his bike.

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